Thai Noodle Salad with Local Honey


Fresh Vegetables
bok choy
Spinach (Riverstone is always in the Shop)
pasta – Rice Noodles, rice or what you have available in your pantry.
White Gate Local Honey
Thai Peanut Sauce – we carry it at The Shop
Olive Oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Mint leaves (to garnish)


Sauté your favorite vegetables, in a pan with olive oil and salt and pepper
Boil the noodles of your choice (I used organic Einkorn Pasta)
In a large bowl, make the sauce by whisking the Honey with Thai Peanut Sauce.
Add the noodles and vegetables into the bowl and mix thoroughly. Cover and place in your refrigerator until you are ready to serve.
Don’t forget to sprinkle a garnish of chopped mint leaves, when you serve Yummy to the Tummy-
BTW we have a TON of mint in our garden beds – feel free to pick some anytime!