About Olive Oil

WE never use soybean oil at The Soup Shop!

Olive oil is sensitive—and needy. Olives are fruit after all, and just like the juice from any fruit, olive oil can go sour if not properly stored. Extra-virgin olive oil is made from pure cold-pressed olives, whereas standard olive oil is a blend of cold-pressed and processed oils. Cooking with rancid oil will not only affect the taste of your food, but it will decrease the health benefits as well. Use these tips to keep that liquid gold good until the very last drop.

Heat is not your friend. Use olive oil after cooking in water is my best tip!

That fancy bottle of EVOO looks cute next to your stove, but that is probably the worst place to keep it. Keep it in a cool dark place like a pantry. If you cook a lot and have an everyday olive oil you like, it’s okay to keep it by the stove in an appropriate container.

* The expensive stuff you use to finish a dish is better stored in a dark, cool place away from your stove. Let there be (no) light.

Light exposure will speed up rancidity and reduce the amount of antioxidants in your oil. This is why most olive oils are sold in dark green bottles. If your oil comes in a clear bottle, you’re better off transferring it to a dark, opaque container so minimal light seeps in. Bonus points for a ceramic vessel which also will block out heat.

Keep it sealed.

Aside from heat and light, oxygen is the third worst oil offender. That means that the second you open the bottle, the decaying process has already begun. Keep your bottles tucked away in a cool, dark place and funnel just what you need for daily use into a smaller container with a lid or thin pouring spout.